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Sewage Treatment Application
The main component of sewage are pathogen contamination, oxygen consuming pollutants, plant nutrients and toxic pollutants, etc.
The main component of sewage are pathogen contamination, oxygen consuming pollutants, plant nutrients and toxic pollutants, etc.
Sewage Treatment Application:
The main component of sewage are pathogen contamination, oxygen consuming pollutants, plant nutrients and toxic pollutants, etc.Using hanyan activated carbon specially activated carbon can adsorb these harmful pollutants and adjust acid-base balance to reduce BOD and COD so as to reach environmental emissions standards.
Sewage treatment technical parameter table:
The main component of sewage are pathogen contamination, oxygen consuming pollutants, plant nutrients and toxic pollutants, etc.Using hanyan activated carbon specially activated carbon can adsorb these harmful pollutants and adjust acid-base balance to reduce BOD and COD so as to reach environmental emissions standards.
Sewage treatment technical parameter table: